by Adam Silva

Now I can't get that tango piece out of my head! Anyway, this was a pretty good episode I must say. The tango bits entertaining, the jokes funny, the plot tight, and who could forget El Lobo? The teaser was very well done, my favorite to date (but what was with the shortened title sequence? I've really begun to like that version now...). The direction was actually quite nice overall, and I would say this is Bryan Spicer's best work to date.

Thomas Schnauz's script was a good outing as well, better than with "Madam I'm Adam". Zuleikha Robinson also did her best performance so far, and I'm glad we're seeing more developement of Yves. There's some emotion in her after all. Perhaps this is setting up for the finale... Additionally, Kimmy the Geek is a good character for the show, and I hope to see more of him. I always thought we should see more of the geek-world given that this show is about the Lone Gunmen, but besides Kimmy in this episode, the pilot was the only offering out that, with its virtual firing range. I'd really like to see Langly play some more D&D sometime soon... Also, given the end, I'd say they're really playing up a possible Jimmy-Yves relationship, and I must say that I like it. Those two have a nice chemistry together and it makes for interesting character developement.

The only parts I didn't like in this episode were how the Gunmen, again, looked like bumbling idiots in the way they messed up Yves' operation. How did these guys survive all these years doing this stuff? Why haven't they been put in jail for a lot longer than a day or two? It makes for funny moments sometimes, but mostly it is just annoying to see these guys like that after such wonderful work on "The X-Files." I also didn't like the bloated feet and hands too much. They looked a little goody, and what did Yves had that would do that? Finally, after this season is over, the producers can look over it and find their mistakes. I think writing all these episodes without any feedback may have affected the show a little, but these things can be fixed for next year, if there is one. And with episodes like this one, I definitely want another.

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