by Adam Silva

"The Lone Gunmen" keeps delivering good, solid, entertaining shows each week. What more could you ask for? It still has some minor kinks to work out, but those are quickly going away. I also would like to point out that the writers are coming out with some pretty good story ideas. A water-powered car episode is a great choice. They're really doing their research. Also, I was tickled by the young Gunmen scenes. Although, since we know from "Unusual Suspects" that Frohike owned an electronics company, I find it strange he wants to be a journalist as a kid, yet doesn't join that profession until after he uncovers a government conspiracy...

Much like last week's episode, this one showed that they can have a good mix between humor and seriousness. I thought it was touching when Jimmy was pounding at the rocks, trying to find his friends, as Yves also mourns over their apparent deaths. Again, "The Lone Gunmen" proves itself to be one of the most original and entertaining shows on television. Given most of TV, that's saying a lot.

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