Byers worked for the FCC, helping the government to fight off hackers and others who could harm the government. However, his life changed after meeting a woman named Susanne Modeski. Byers quickly fell in love with this woman who showed him that the governent was doing controlled experiments on civilians and conspiring to keep the truth about their actions from the public. Byers is the leader of the Gunmen, the man who got Frohike and Langly involved in the first place. He always wears a suit and is never relaxed about anything and seems to be the intelligence expert in the group. He was named after assassinated president John F. Kennedy. His parents were originally going to call him Bertram, after his father.


Bruce Harwood

Born and bred in British Columbia, Bruce is a relaxed, bookish person. Not nearly as paranoid as his character, and also doesn't wear suits all the time. Instead, he does oragami as a hobby. His most notable tv apperances besides the Byers character was as another recurring role, an enviromental expert on "MacGyver." His movie credits include: "The Fly II," "Bingo!," and of course, "The X-Files" movie. He was born on April 29, 1963.

Move over Scully, there's a new girl in town. Harlow is a gorgeous and competing computer hacker who speaks with a lovely British accent and is the object of the Lone Gunmen's desire. However, unlike the Lone Gunmen, she does it for the money, while they do it for the American people. She is very smart and often belittles the Lone Gunmen. Little is known about her and her past, including her real identity, as her alias is an anagram for Lee Harvey Oswald.

Zuleikha Robinson made her feature film debut in “Time Code 2000.” Born in London, she was raised in the Far East, Thailand and Malaysia. She came to Los Angeles to study acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Prior to doing “Time Code 2000,” she had appeared in numerous theatrical productions in Los Angeles. Her name means "beautiful one" in Persian.